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  • EALOC Events Photo Review | Miami | Eastern Airlines Orchid Club

    EALOC Events Photo Review Check out the photos of our four annual events, the field trip, picnic, holiday party and picnic. We know how to party and it's a great time to be with friends and families. Click on the icon to see the photos.

  • February Orchids 2020 | Miami | Eastern Airlines Orchid Club

    Learning Through Sharing This page is dedicated to showing the plants that members brought from their personal collections to share with others at a monthly meeting. Thereby, club members learn through sharing. Each plant is presented, discussed, admired and appreciated. An added feature of this sharing activity results in members feeling closer to each other, creating an atmosphere of friendship and closeness. March 2024 Maxillariella [Mxl.] tenuifolia Jorge Li Oncidium Heaven Scent “Redolence” Jorge Li Phalaenopsis schilleriana Jorge Li Cyrtopodium punctatum “Cowhorn Orchid” Lou and Rene Silva “Not Identified” Eleanor Sanfilippo Return to "Share and Learn" Page

  • Introduction to Orchids 101-1 | Miami | Eastern Airlines Orchid Club

    Introduction to Orchids...101 The three pages were designed to provide an "orchid pre-primer" to those who have limited knowledge of orchids and want introductory information. Perhaps, more experienced orchid enthusiasts might find interesting facts, as well. The source for this information was Wikipedia (Wiki Website) which is a collaboratively edited, multilingual, free-access, free content Internet encyclopedia that is supported and hosted by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation and owned by Wikimedia Foundation. Please note that each section is notated by the use of a linking button to each specific Wikipedia webpage as a means of referencing the source. The EALOC publisher/editor extracted basic information and photographs from Wikipedia about each of nine orchid groups for this EALOC website. Next to each title is a button where the reader may want to go to the Wikipedia website for indepth reading regarding each specific orchid group. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Click on Picture or Number

  • FTBG National Orchid Garden - Part 1 | ealoclub

    FTBG "National Orchid Garden" - Part 1 Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden initiated its newest conservation project, officially started on March 8 - 10, 2019, as part of its "International Orchid Festival" event. FTBG's goal is to become known as "The National Orchid Garden" whereby it will exhibit the largest orchid collection in the Western Hemisphere. Hundreds of thousands, if not a million, orchids will be placed throughout the garden. 90% of these orchids will be permanently mounted. A slideshow show was created to both describe the entire project and show photographs of orchids that have already been placed in the garden. This slideshow comes in three(3) parts, located on three(3) separate website pages. ​ ***Please note that FTBG is not renaming the garden. Instead, it wants to be recognized as a national garden for orchids. 0 1 41 0 1/42 Return to Slideshow Introuction Click on "Left and Right" Arrows On Sides of Each Slide to Navigate Through Frames. Red Circles on Maps Denote Locales of Garden

  • Orchid Club Events | Miami | Eastern Airlines Orchid Club

    Club Events Throughout the year, EALOC participates in community and social events. These events include the annual orchid auction, field trip, picnic and holiday party, as well as the weekly maintence of Zoo Miami's orchid collection. Annual Auction November The club holds an annual auction at FIU in November which is the club's only fundraiser. Members help by posting flyers, handing them out to others, passing the word and inviting people to the auction. Donated plants, pots, baskets, hangers, potting materials, tools and other items are included in the auction. Many generous donations come from local growers. (See "Friends of Eastern Airlines Orchid Club" webpage.) Volunteers help with set-up, clean up and plant pickup. Annual Field Trips Scheduled in Spring The club has field trips to various professional growers and members who hold open houses. These are always special times of fun and learning to see how others grow orchids. Zoo Miami Orchid Crew Thursdays and Scheduled Saturdays A select few of the EALOC members are also Zoological Society of Florida (ZSF) volunteers who meet every Thursday morning to maintain the Zoo Miami orchid collection. There are approximately 1,000 plants located throughout the Zoo grounds. These plants come from donations, as well as confiscations by the United States Customs. Throughout the year, based upon need, the ZSF volunteers and additional EALOC members join together on Saturday mornings to work on projects. They may be fertilizing, planting, or working on the irrigation systems. The Zoo recognizes EALOC as an asset to the beautification of its botanical gardens. Proudly, whenever a patron enjoys an orchid in a tree, it's all attributed to EALOC. A bronze plaque is displayed on Zoo grounds, acknowledging EALOC's efforts to enhance the Zoo's landscape. Holiday Party December Each year, the club sets aside the December monthly meeting for a club's celebration of the holidays. Featured is a delicious covered dish feast where members bring in a gourmet side dish and the club provides the ham, turkey, beverages, appetizers and desserts. This is the only month of the year the club meets on the second Friday, instead of the usual third Friday. Each member receives an annual holiday gift plant. There is a centerpiece competition where members who wish to participate make a holiday table centerpiece to decorate the table. The centerpieces are judged and prizes are awarded. It's a nice way to end the year! Annual Picnic May Each year, the club sets aside May's monthly meeting for a club's annual members' picnic. The club provides the main course and members are asked to bring side dishes. Members are free, but a fee is charged for guests. This is yet another opportunity for members to socialize, as well as enjoy a day's outing. Of course, there's the opportunity to win orchids and orchid-related supplies just by playing Bingo!!! Kampong Krew Scheduled On Needs Basis One of our newest community involvement projects is volunteering for The Kampong. The Kampong is the historic residence and garden of Dr. David G. Fairchild, best known as the "Christopher Columbus of the Plant World" A small crew mount and maintain the Kampong's orchid collection. They are not regularly scheduled. Depending upon the need of the garden's director, the crew schedules themselves, usually around six times a year. .

  • January Orchids 2020 | Miami | Eastern Airlines Orchid Club

    Learning Through Sharing This page is dedicated to showing the plants that members brought from their personal collections to share with others at a monthly meeting. Thereby, club members learn through sharing. Each plant is presented, discussed, admired and appreciated. An added feature of this sharing activity results in members feeling closer to each other, creating an atmosphere of friendship and closeness. January 2023 Rhychobrassoleya Isabella Cano (Taeko Tamaki x B. nodosa) Lou and Rene Silva Mcv. Frances Fox (Bc. Polka Dot x Mcp. tibicinis) David Foster C. Miyuki Little King (C. Mini Purple x C. brevipedunculata) Ralph Hernandez Den. Jiaho Candy (Den. Hsinying Frostymaree x Den. bellatulum) Jorge Li Sophrolaeliocattleya [Slc.] Kagaribi Dawn ‘Red Star’ x Laelia [L.] Gold Star Jorge Li Return to "Share and Learn" Page

  • February Orchids 2020 | Miami | Eastern Airlines Orchid Club

    Learning Through Sharing This page is dedicated to showing the plants that members brought from their personal collections to share with others at a monthly meeting. Thereby, club members learn through sharing. Each plant is presented, discussed, admired and appreciated. An added feature of this sharing activity results in members feeling closer to each other, creating an atmosphere of friendship and closeness. April 2024 Paphiopedilum [Paph.] Glaucoliem Jorge Li Dendrobium [Den.] aggregatum Suellen and Dean Powell Ionopsis [Inps.] utricularioides Diane Dickhut Meiracyllium [Mrclm.] trinasutum Carmen and Carlos Segrera Phalaenopsis [Phal.] Norman's Mini Kaleidoscope ‘Peloric’ Jorge Li Bulbophyllum [Bulb.] sumatranum x Bulbophyllum [Bulb.] veitchianum Diane Dickhut Dendrobium [Den.] Nestor Rene and Lou Silva Cattleytonia [Ctna.] Why Not David Foster Guarechea [Grc.] Black Comet Unknown Psychopsis Mariposa ‘Peloric’ Diane Dickhut Brassavola [B.] nodosa x Cattleya [C.] lueddemanniana Andres Bosmenier Dendrobium [Den.] loddigesii David Foster Return to "Share and Learn" Page

  • EALOC New Member Application | Miami | Eastern Airlines Orchid Club

    EALOC Membership Application The club is a friendly, warm group of enthusiasts. You don't have to be an expert and everyone is so very welcome to be a part of the club. It's easy to join and it can be done using this page. Just download and complete the form below. You may e-mail the form, as well as pay online. That's all there is to it !!! Directions : ​ Click on the PDF file. . The document will automatically be ready saving to the user's computer. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ NOTE : New Dues Increase ... $25.00 (Single) $45.00 (Couple) (Include $2.00 Payment Fee) Save, print and co mplete the application. Then, e-mail the form to the website publisher. When sending the application, type in the subject box the following information: "EALOC APPLICATION" ​ Send application to . ​ Pay dues via PayPal or Credit Card. It's quick and easy!!! Click on "Remit Dues" button below. Choose payment method, "PayPal" or "Credit Card". "Welcome to EALOC !!!" ​ ​

  • Interesting Orchid Websites 4 | Miami | Eastern Airlines Orchid Club

    Interesting, Informational and Useful Websites (Part 4) Below are website links that were selected for being interesting, informational and/or useful for orchid enthusiasts. Readers are encouraged to give feedback, as well as send additional website links to the webmaster. Please go to the "Feedback and About" webpage to offer feedback and other website links. The reader's input is the key to making this page helpful to everyone. Link Amazing Trees This website's contents aren't about orchids. However, the trees that are pictured at this site are simply superb. Nature is a wonderous things. Orchids are unquestionably beautiful, but these trees are equally astounding!!! Even though they're not orchids, they're truly worthy of being shared and enjoyed. Link Dracula Vampire Orchid Dracula Vampira Orchid is sometimes called the Black Orchid, This Dracula Vampira Orchid grows in the heated greenhouse. Being in the purtho family this orchid blooms best with low to medium light, (Phalaenopsis orchid is bright, but not cattleya orchid) and intermediate to cool temps. Link An Orchid By A ny Other Name: An Asparagus? This is an article regarding the relationship of the orchid and the asparagus. What??? It's now being said that "scientists say, studies of the DNA of orchids are revealing a host of surprises, chief among them, that orchids are actually part of the asparagus group, closer kin to these vegetables than to the other, flashier, flowering plants they had been placed with before." Link The Wonders of Blooming Flowers This is not a website. Rather, it's a link to a video which enables the viewer to observe a variety of flowers in the process of blooming. Each flower was filmed for two days to get the effect of the blossoming process. Even though this video is not orchid-specfic, it's worth the time for all lovers of flowers to experience. Sit back and smell the flowers. Gail Eller is credited for sharing this link. Link Monkey Orchid The Monkey Orchid , also known as Orchid Simia or Dracula Simia (monkey dragon), has its home in the forests of Peru and Ecuador, and it grows at about 2000 feet above sea levels. It was given its name by botanist Carlyle A. Lauren back in 1978, due to its resemblance to the funny animal. There are 118 known varieties of this orchid in Central America, Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador, where half of them are located. Interesting Websites, (Part 1) Interesting Websites, (Part 5

  • October Orchids 2019 | Miami | Eastern Airlines Orchid Club

    Learning Through Sharing This page is dedicated to showing the plants that members brought from their personal collections to share with others at a monthly meeting. Thereby, club members learn through sharing. Each plant is presented, discussed, admired and appreciated. An added feature of this sharing activity results in members feeling closer to each other, creating an atmosphere of friendship and closeness. November 2022 Noria Cid Dendrobium [Den.] Bracteosum X Tannii Noria Cid Not Identified David Foster Bulbophyllum [Bulb.] medusae Diane Dickhut Spathoglottis [Spa.] lobbii Ralph Hernandez Bulbophyllum [Bulb.] Jorge Li Bulbophyllum [Bulb.] medusae David Foster Return to "Share and Learn" Page

  • EALOC By-Laws | Miami | Eastern Airlines Orchid Club

    CLUB ORGANIZATIONAL POLICY In an effort to continuously improve and enhance the success of the club, the newly amended bylaws were ratified by the EALOC general membership at the June meeting. Both EALOC members and non-members are encouraged to learn more about the club and the mission of the group. EALOC BY-LAWS 2023 Click To Download.

  • More Orchid Club History | Miami | Eastern Airlines Orchid Club

    More Club History The second meeting of the orchid club was held August 18, 1963, at the Eastern Airlines new recreation center. As a means of fundraising at each meeting, the raffle was started. For the purchase of a 25 cent raffle ticket, people took a chance on winning an orchid to add to their collections. The club promoted and continues to promote education in the culture and care of orchids among hobbyists. The club was and continues to be very active in the community. When the Jetport was first built in the Everglades in the early 1970's, the EALOC members made numerous rescue missions around the new training Jetport to save orchids destined for destruction. These rescued orchids were transplanted to Grossman's Hammock because most of the naturally growing orchids in the hammock had been stripped away by collectors. As contractors developed areas of the Everglades, beginning in 1974, EALOC members collected orchids to relocate them. During a fire in April 1974, the club members made a valiant effort in an area west of the Fahkahatchee Strand in the Big Cypress Swamp to save orchids that would have gone up in smoke. The members planned on working over as many areas as they could until sundown. However, the fires in the area were being fanned by the wind and the group had to call it quits by noon. They had rescued 300 plants which were also placed in Grossman's Hammock. At least 10 native species were saved at that time. During these rescue missions, the club worked closely with the resident ranger, Lieutenant Martin. Visit EALOC On Facebook

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